Using an inexperienced real estate agent who is a friend of a friend, a relative, or someone at their own place of business. There are generally between 150 and 200 real estate agents in our area and many do little if any business. JoAnn has spent a career cleaning up messes made by inexperienced real estate agents. It takes more than a license to work as a realtor. It is not uncommon for an inexperienced agent to write up a contract that works against their own client. JoAnn has a reputation for honestly and patience in explaining everything along the way.
Get pre-qualified before you start shopping for your home so you will know your shopping price range. When you see a house that you want to make an offer on, you can act quickly. You will know what type of loan you will be getting AND how much home you can afford.
Think about resale before you buy. The average first-time buyer only stays in a home for four years. JoAnn will help you find a home that will be salable down the road. Over the 30 years that JoAnn has been in business you can imagine how many homes JoAnn has resold for her buyers, she has the experience that it takes to assist you with your purchase.
Making a standard “low-ball offer” even when some homes are priced exceptionally well can be counter productive. Some homes on the market are overpriced but some are even under priced. Assuming that you should offer 20% under the asking price may not lead to the home with the best value and the one best suited to your needs. Thomas Jefferson had a saying “don’t buy something just because it is cheap“. Buy what is the best home for your situation.
Don’t get caught purchasing a home that needs many repairs, thinking that you will do these themselves. Good intentions don’t do home repairs, and it is not uncommon for repairs to not get done or done poorly. It is often times better (and cheaper) to purchase a home that is in good condition, even if it cost a little more up front, then you don’t have to make costly repairs.
Using a lender that you find on the internet or from a TV ad can turn into be a disaster. There is nothing worse than having a mover show up when the loan documents are not complete or done incorrectly. JoAnn would like you to use someone who knows what they are doing, not a person with no knowledge or real interest in our area.