Buyer Services
We take pride in doing the best possible job we can to match buyers with a home that meets their needs and falls within their budgets. Our business survives because of referrals and repeat business and we want you to be happy with your transaction.
Our Specialties
Setting up customized real estate searches for clients (very popular)
Focused on residential real estate within our local communities of Canon City, Florence, and Penrose.
Technologically savvy and knowledgeable about market conditions.
Excellent at writing and administering contracts and we know how to negotiate on your behalf.
Staffed at a level that gives you the service you need. In addition to myself, I have two full time licensed staff specialists to represent you and additional staff to assist where needed.
Knowledge of local housing. We have closely looked at hundreds of the houses in the area and we know the neighborhoods.
Knowledge about home repair issues . We’ve reviewed hundreds of inspection reports, talked with numerous contractors, and know the questions to ask.
We are very knowledgeable about appraisals and mortgages and will assist you with every step of the process.
We will represent your interests should you decide to have a home constructed. We know who the builders are and can guide you through what many people consider one of life’s more difficult tasks.
Buyer Agency
If you would like me to represent you as a “Buyer’s Agent”, I will be happy to do so. We will sign an “Exclusive Right-To-Buy Listing Contract” and then we will begin looking for a home that meets your specifications. This will allow me to assist you to find the perfect home and to negotiate for you when you find that perfect match.
Also keep in mind that if it is one of our listings, I will act as a “transaction broker”and as in every case represent you fairly and honestly.