Real Estate Commission Approved Contracts and Forms.

In the attached document are the legal forms that I use for various real estate transactions. From a real estate broker standpoint, use of these forms is not an option.   Real Estate Contracts have become complex over time and a solid knowledge of how these contracts work and should be written is something not gained overnight. Take a look at the optional contracts and feel free to browse through them so you gain some familiarity using the link above.


Electronic Contracts

Many of these forms are now available through a separate service I use called CTM econtracts that allows forms to be signed electronically.  You may want to check out their site and the page they have on electronic signatures.   It includes a video and a tutorial! There are some solid benefits to this process which include:

  • eliminates paper in the process
  • eliminates faxing which can result in contracts that are difficult (sometimes impossible) to read
  • allows for contract completion when buyers or sellers are in different locations
  • allows for much easier addendums or changes to the contract
  • provides documentation and records
  • Cuts way back on confusion on what was signed and when

Colorado Department of Local Affairs

DOLA has good information regarding real estate contracts and home ownership