To Our Customers and Clients at Home Town Real Estate,
Just wanted to keep you all updated via blog post, for the time being, I’ll be “hunkering down” at my home office as much as possible, doing my part to flatten the curve and get through the Corona virus crisis as quickly and safely as we can.
That doesn’t mean I’m not working, available, or able to help you…I’m still available by phone, text, email, or any other non-face-to-face way you can think of. Luckily, there’s a lot we can get done remotely nowadays in real estate.
So whether you’re currently in the middle of buying or selling a house with me, or need to figure out how (or whether) to buy or sell during this time frame, just reach out and we’ll figure out the best way to handle everything as safely and conscientiously as possible.
Our office is currently closed to the public, while we do have staff on site to service our clients needs and answer the phone, we ask that you communicate with JoAnn or Nick before planning on meeting there. This is temporary and for the health and safety of our clients and wonderful staff at Home Town Real Estate. We will send out further communications when our office is re-opened to all.
This is a first for me (and everyone else in real estate), so I appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through this together.
Stay safe and well,